Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Configure DHCP at Linux

I create a dhcp server with Linux I use CentOS 4.3 , I use Linux one because the dhcp under win 2003 not work , It always fail when try to get authorize from the Active directory at Holland.
To start we must check whether dhcpd installed at your linux machine.
- after you sure the dhcpd installed on your machine
- then run "
cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-3.0.1/dhcpd.conf.sample /etc/dhcpd.conf" , this command will copy the example configuration file and replace the configuration file, this is ok because the original file contain nothing. just few lines of comment.
- after that edit the dhcpd.conf file, here the example of my configuration file :

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;

subnet netmask {
# --- default gateway
option routers; #default-gateway
option subnet-mask; #netmask
option domain-name "tng.loc"; # domain-name
option domain-name-servers,; # DNS servers

range; # IP range
default-lease-time 21600;
max-lease-time 43200;

# Host with fixed address , this is actually the dhcp server address
host lnxsrv {
hardware ethernet 00:A0:C9:71:BD:45;

- after that start the dhcpd service "/sbin/service dhcpd start"

This dhcp server work with windows client all the computer here use windows xp

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Nature Strike Back.......

The last 2 days jakarta is more like venezia, this is cause by the great flood that came every 5 years, this flood cause by heavy rain for this past few days, but according to the weather guy this is only the beginning, because tomorrow heavy rain still going to happen at jakarta, also the ciliwung river blew up. But the major cause of this flood because people of jakarta never put respect to nature, every green area in jakarta always converted into mall, apartment, real estate, or skyscraper. For simple example kelapa gading , it was a swamp before converted into real estate, mall, and apartment. Also the habit of jakarta citizen that always littering on everywhere especially on the river... now it's time to change our behavior. because if we keep threat nature like this , the next flood will more worse that this .... so please Respect The Nature...

Friday, February 02, 2007


Euh..what's wrong with me ... for this couple of days a person from my past always pop-up in my mind just like a spam, even that person appear in my dream...eee.. come on, that person even not remember me... hmmm... I think I need to refresh my mind, kind a dull this days... need to go outside jakarta.. aaaa....